Tweaking your R console
Tweaking your system is in my opinion one of the key features of Linux. Linux offers so many features to play around with to never get bored. Lately, I discovered that there is also the possibility to tweak your R console. As I was using R heavily during my Bachelor Thesis and still use it quiet commonly, I want to present some in my opinion very useful tweaks in this post.
Firstly, all user-specific tweaking of your R console can and should be done in ~/.Rprofile
. This dotfile gets executed every time you start a new R console via your Terminal. In your ~/.Rprofile
you can specify several functions which are executed at different times. The .First
function is called after the startup of a new R session. The .Last
function is called when you exit a session.
Set a startup message
It is always nice to have a startup message and as R sessions always depend on a certain working directory it is also nice to know that, even though mostly I start R via terminal were I know where I started it. Nevertheless, this information never hurts and can be easily defined as the following function in your ~/.Rprofile
.First <- function() {
# Print a welcome message
message("Welcome back ", Sys.getenv("USER"),"!\n","Working directory is: ", getwd())
I am also very annoyed by R’s default user library destination in ~/R/
whereto I set my user library path to ~/.R/
instead, which can simply be done by using the libPaths
Finally, a little bit of color can help to more easily interpret data. Therefore I use the colorout
package to add more visual information to the command line output.
Altogether, my .First
function looks like this:
.First <- function() {
# Print a welcome message
message("Welcome back ", Sys.getenv("USER"),"!\n","Working directory is: ", getwd())
# Set local lib path
# colorize R output,
if (interactive()) {
Customize prompting
I often use R on different machines so it is useful for me to customize my prompt to a more “bash-like” view. By adding
# customize your R prompt
options(prompt = paste(paste([c("user", "nodename")], collapse = "@"),"[R] > "))
my prompt looks more like
trybnetic@mars [R] > x <- rnorm(20)
instead of
> x <- rnorm(20)
which has the large advantage that I now easily see on which machine I am currently working.
Setting defaults
Finally, I am quiet lazy and hate it to always choose a mirror whenever I install a package. With
# Set CRAN repository
options(repos = structure(c(CRAN = "")))
I set my CRAN repository permanently. Which may be disadvantageously as there might always be mirrors with faster connection times. However, in my experience these differences do not matter much.
Full ~/.Rprofile
.First <- function() {
# Print a welcome message
message("Welcome back ", Sys.getenv("USER"),"!\n","Working directory is: ", getwd())
# Set local lib path
# colorize R output,
if (interactive()) {
# Set CRAN repository
options(repos = structure(c(CRAN = "")))
# customize your R prompt
options(prompt = paste(paste([c("user", "nodename")], collapse = "@"),"[R] > "))